Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

The older boys went to Louisville last night and we wouldn't see them at all today so I tucked their Valentine's Day cards in their agenda books for school. The Prof found his before school I guess because he tore into it before he left but #1son told me he liked the card and showed it to all his friends. That's actually a relief because I was second guessing myself all day about putting it in his agenda. You know with the 14 year old mood swings and attitudes. I really didn't want to make him mad. It all worked out though so I'm happy.

Yesterday was my father-in-laws birthday (we got him a snow shovel - #1son's idea because he really needed one and wouldn't purchase one himself). MIL had a little party for him before the older boys left. It was nice and we all had a good time.

Tator's BEST buddy invited him to spend the night and his mom called me about 5:00 to ask if he could. I told her no because of Papaw's birthday party but DaddyO told Tator yes when he picked him up from school. Crying - no, sobbing- ensued so we relented and he called Best Bud and made arrangements for me to drive him over. He asked Granny if she would save him a rib, some mutton and some of her homemade beans so that's in the fridge for when he comes home (it's calling my name though so he better get home soon!)

Granny invited Doc to spend the night and go to the beauty shop and out for lunch today so he jumped at the chance. DaddyO and I would have the house to ourselves. WoooHooo!! I spent the evening on Facebook and he watched TV.

I did get my choice of a generator, a dryer, a computer or my braces for Valentine's Day (all recent major purchases). I was a little bummed but he did get me a nice card and a bag of chocolates - Better than nothing!

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