Wednesday, February 18, 2009

He made it...

#1son spent the greater part of Sunday and Monday evening at Apollo High School trying out for the high school baseball team. I kept calling DaddyO asking when they’d be home – ‘cause I’m used to Little League and Babe Ruth baseball where it’s all volunteer (although EXTREMELY competitive) and not exactly super organized. Well this is high school baseball in Kentucky and let me tell you, they worked in the 30° cold for a total of 7 hours. Daddyo was so proud of #son’s performance and it looks like he will take after his father. Very good baseball player. Practice started Monday night from 6 to 8. I’m NOT ready for this. I thought I had at least a couple more weeks. The two middle boys will have tryouts next week and then practice will start the week after.

Oh and um… DaddyO is very sick, due in no small part to the baseball tryouts Sunday and Monday. He actually missed work yesterday and today. In the entire time I have known him I don’t think he has taken more than 5 sick days (except for surgeries) and NEVER 2 in a row. I got him an antibiotic yesterday and some NyQuil. I’m glad he decided to stay home today too and get to feeling better.

The Prof will start football “practice” in the next few weeks too. I don’t think they will actually dress for practice but really just go over plays and get more information. He’s pretty excited though. I really hope he’s up for this.

The little guys are doing fine and continue to make me laugh. Last night Tator and I went to the store and when we were unpacking the car he said, “Momma, the sky looks exactly like my dream when the aliens came.” I thought he was pretty spooked so I changed the subject.

And… Doc is Doc is Doc.

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